
Final Essay

  An estimated 26 million of non-human animals are used every year in the United States for scientific and commercial testing; and the research on living non-human animals has been practiced since at least 500 BC. This information produces me discomfort. We really need to use non-human animals to increase the quality and duration of human lives? Why not to choose humans for purposes that are humans?     The industry and the scientific world commonly use animals to develop medical treatments, to determine the toxicity of medications or to check the safety of products destined for human use.   In a few words, as far as the scientists are concerned, the use of non-human animals it comes down to its functionality, sadly like simple things. Today we perfectly use new methods that can replace the need for animals. We have in vitro testing; we have in the world people that would love to participate voluntarily in some researches and we have HUMAN NEEDS.   Like I...

Criando Juntos: report

  The objective of this report is to present a field work that I participated the last semester. The field work took place at Barrio Yungay between April and August of 2018. We participated in as a Social Psychology I team and we made contact with an organization that is called Criando juntos . The purpose of the field work was applying the contents of the subject like group dynamics , social facilitation and social roles (specifically diffuse social role). Also, the teacher and the assistants always said that “the field work is important to know (superficially) how the labor of a psychologist is and how is work with real people”.  In a practical sense, our work as a novice group was meant to help to mapadres (which is a coined word that mixes madres and padres ). We discussed some group strategies with them. The strategies and tools were focused on recognizing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Also, we reflected on how to getting a balance as an org...

Create topic sentences for these topics

“Large cars” Large cars produces many pollution problems in the city.  “Living in a remote area” Living in a remote area could be stressful for people that travel everyday to the city. “Studying abroad” Studying abroad is a risk.  “The candy bar diet” A candy bar diet could generate a progressive fragility to develop metabolic diseases. “National holidays” The National holidays are an instance to escape from the  daily traffic.    Exercise 1 Write support sentences for these topic sentences to create a cohesive and coherent paragraph. Large cars create a lot of difficulty on our streets. Since 1990' the sale of large cars has dramatically increased. Simultaneously with that growth, the streets have been progressively clogged ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...

Elevator Speech

Hello, I’m Horacio, I’m an expert student in evolutionary psychology, specifically in the old age period of human life. I have worked in a couple of researches about the psychological, social and cultural state of the senior citizens in our country. I learned a lot of the last but not least period of the vital cycle in the practice, talking with people. Now, I’m interested to apply for an assistantship in this university because I loved the subject when I was a student of it and i would like to share knowledge.   I’m a very responsible person, I really want to help people with doubts and academic (and personal) problems. Also, I enjoy the pedagogical experience that go with the assistantship role. Finally, I would like to say that I have initiative to build new instances.     


When we talk about the ecology (the science that studies how the organisms interact with one another and with their physical environment) one topic that seems to be very important to understand the actual state of the ecosystem and the species that live there is the pernicious action of the human being. The power of the human influence constitutes a complete chapter in ecology books and manuals. The introduction of species to exogenous spaces is one of the human acts that cause terrible effects on the balance of the environment, such as quantitative and qualitative damages in autochthonous species or collateral consequences in human activities or quotidian life. ¡Is important to remark that the fault is not of the animals! In Chile, one of the most representative (I said “representative” because the specie is part of the national badge, but no for the public efforts to protect him) animal species is the Huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus). The relative abundance of this specie is very li...

Post n°1: Biodata

Horacio Román is a student of Psychology that lives near to Curacaví. His interests are heterogenous, for example, he likes the movies world, the theater, the Spanish language, the music, do crosswords, the orthography, etc. His skills are in relation to the creative motivation, he loves to create new things and to feel  challenged.  He is good at solving problems and talking with unknown people. Also, he enjoys to expose and to do presentations.   Today, he is part of the Biology department at Preuniversitario Popular Bachillerato (Preubachi). Also he is a “Monitor” of Universidad de Chile. Finally, I would like to say that Horacio is part of a group that is dedicated to write cultural reviews. That collective is called “Jóvenes críticos” and is part of the audience training program of the Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral.